
I put a few good ideas for decent posts together this weekend and still haven't found the time to actually put the posts themselves together. So they sit and wait. I was hoping to get one on Lent's recent popularity among non-Roman-Catholics banged out in time for this week's Christian Carnival, but its going to have to wait for next week. There's your teaser. I just don't have the energy in me to write it in any half-decent way in the next hour, so it gets to wait a week or so.

I've actually got a number of things I'm working on, most of which I plan to complete or at least make significant progress on during my week of rest. Its all personal stuff, so I don't really consider it work, by nature. Taxes (I kinda like doing them, yes, I know...), a few books, some articles/book ideas I'm writing/working on, the HTML, some puter and hard-files organization, just getting things in general into their proper places before I begin focusing on the new job. I need to write about that, too.

And the fierce wind outside desperately wants in tonight. I like that. I love the wind and the cold. I leave one of the windows slightly cracked, so I feel like I'm helping the wind to accomplish its ardent pursuit of chilling me. Just a little. Also, did I mention I don't really mind doing my taxes? Sheesh, I need to get some food and turn a movie on.

The camera hasn't been out at all lately, and I need to remedy that. My upcoming time off should be a start (expect more picture posting), I intend to get started no later than the weekend. If I had been carrying my good camera a couple weeks ago when I met the fellow above, I would have snapped a decent shot of just him, which would have been great. Since all I had was the crappy phone cam, I decided to crap up the shot even further by throwing myself in it, just to be extra touristy. This guy was just standing on 34th street trying to get his message out there. I got the picture and quickly moved away before he could attempt to eat me for lunch.

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