
Its 9:10pm. I'm still in the office. I'm taking my 9:00 brain break, about 10 minutes overdue. Then its back to work.

Which is all I do anymore. Things are crazy here, I'm in by 8am, sometimes earlier, and I don't get out until late evening - usually close to, or after, the double digits. Ugh.

Missed the chance to blog about an important anniversary yesterday, thanks, ironically, to too much work. You can probably guess what it is if you look at my posts from the end of March, last year, although I was keen enough to remain aloof on where exactly it was I had a new job, at that point.

My career counselor IM'd me yesterday to say happy anniversary - which was weird, since I never hear from him, but cool, all the same. Glad he's thinking of me - promotion process kicks off early summer and I'm up for manager, although my hopes aren't. Up, that is.

Its been a great first year here. A few months unstaffed, applying to open roles, trying to network, begging people to meet me for coffee, asking anyone and everyone for work, and for the most part sitting at home, sometimes in the office, doing a whole lot of nothing.

Then, a few random months of fluctuating between regular hours and bonkers hours on Business Development projects with my career counselor - and having all his lech-y-ness rubbing off on me.

Mix in a couple weeks of miscellaneous training and other unstaffed-time, and next I was back in the building I swore I'd never work in again, but this time I wasn't working for them, so much as consulting them. That was a few months, then it was off to Miami.

Where I will spend the rest of my life in endentured servitude.

At least the weather's nice.

Honestly, read the first post from end of March last year - that pretty much sums it up. Any time I might have had for writing in the last month has been effectively murdered, and I don't see that pattern changing anytime soon. Its all I can do at this point to throw up a blog post here or there.

So...bear with me. I really do want to blog regularly, put some more articles out there, think about journalism schools this year. But I really want to make manager too. If I don't make manager...expect to see a spike in writing. Let's just leave it at that.

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