
Oh, wait, you're supposed to rest on the weekend. Right.

Met a very interesting blogger/writer Friday evening, so the event served its purpose after all. Got me thinking a lot about what it means to be a writer (by no means do I consider myself one) and the writing/blogging I've been doing so far. What I've realized is that I haven't done nearly enough writing. Or reading, but I've known that all along. I doubt most decent writers consider themselves well-read enough.

When the blog got off the ground, the general idea was to give me some kind of forum in which to write, hopefully on a regular basis. Sometime in the Fall, it took on more meaning than that - it began to be kind of a necessary thing - I've been trying to make myself write something every day. Which was good - got the synapses firing, at least a bit.

Now, if I was really pursuing the writing thing full-time, I would probably hope to keep up such a pace, and I'd certainly expect better quality from myself. But I'm not - the writing thing is just one of the options I'm exploring. And I'm worried that if I keep my regular-posting mentality up, I'll start serving up some krep posts, which is the last thing I want to do - in fact I'm afraid some of my recent stuff may lean in that direction.

Nevertheless, no gauntlets are being thrown down here. I'm not saying I'm going to post less to the blog, although I am saying I intend to write more, most of which won't be blogged. I'm not saying I'm going to post as much as I have been, either - I hope to post regularly but I'll be lending a more observant eye to the post purity level before I submit it for public consumption.


Went to a wedding tonight, the ceremony was about as universalist as a wedding could possibly be. There is apparently a god of some sort out there, and conveniently he happens to fit exactly whatever you personally need him to be. I suppose that keeps everyone at a Chinese-Italian/German wedding happy. Even the gay uncles.

Had a fascinating conversation with the brother of the bride, an ex-AF'er who served a year and a half in the brig for drug possession, among other things he was involved in. It sobered him up, though, and now he's an EMT, hoping to become a cop, and most importantly a fiercely independent evangelist. By fiercely independent he meant that he believed all churches are wrong, as everyone has to find faith on their own. He was awestruck with the wedding ceremony, naturally.

The reverend female celebrant was curious, given that the bride's family seemed to be the one bringing any religion to the plate, namely Catholicism. This struck me as a fabulous topic for a future blog post (a very controversial one, I'm sure).

Nice people, very New York wedding, smallest one I've ever been to, though.


One for the "Only-in-NYC" file: a guy with one leg, and crutches - reasonably dressed, making his way down a moving subway car. He's lived here for a while - he opened the door and went to the next car while the C (or A or E or whichever one isn't suspended thanks to the fire) train was at top speed.

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